A Little Bit About Us...

Photographers, Patricia Rodas & Ilar Gunilla Persson

Nordess is a photo project about women in the Nordic region, where we document how the Nordic woman with an immigrant background, people who identify as women and women born in the Nordic region, how they connect the Nordic mentality, culture, history to their place in their everyday life. 

The project started in 2001 when we made our first trip to the Faroe Islands. We photographed about 20 women which resulted in a travelling exhibition that was shown in the Nordic countries during the years 2003-2005. Since then we have been photographing in Denmark, Sweden and Norway.

The image of Àsa in folk costume from the Faroe Islands was nominated by The Life Framer in the Humans of the World competition in 2022.

Our approach is unique because we shoot analogue and both shoot during the photo session with black and white and colour film. This may seem rather strange as in the photo industry it is often important who is the author/woman. In our Nordess project, we are both authors of all the photographs because we discussed, planned and photographed the image together.

Through the Nordess photo project, we want to highlight the diversity of women and try to capture something of the innermost essence of the person photographed and the place that the person holds as special in their everyday life.

You can make our goal be reality by donate in our Kickstarter project. Länk här!!

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